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发布日期:2014-06-17 浏览次数: 信息来源:人发学院 字号:[ ]


  2014519日下午,由国际发展研究网络(CIDRN)主办的第十一期公共讲座在北京昆仑饭店举行。本次讲座特邀英国伦敦政治经济学院发展人类学教授,国际发展系主任,英国社会科学院院士蒂姆艾伦(Tim Allen)教授作题为被忽略的非洲热带疾病防控与减贫Will controlling Africa’s neglected tropical diseases make poverty history?)的主题讲座。讲座由北京大学国际健康研究所执行主任鲁新(Lucy Chen)博士主持并评议。本次讲座吸引了来自英国国际发展署、日本国际协力机构、中国国际扶贫中心、中国农业大学、北京大学协和医学院、第一财经日报等机构的六十余位代表参与。

  The China International Development Research Network hosted Public Event Series No.11 took place in Kunlun Hotel, Beijing, the afternoon of 19th May, 2014. The speaker Professor Tim Allen, Head of the Department of International Development, London School of Economics (LSE), gave a lecture on will controlling Africas neglected tropical diseases make poverty history. Dr. Lucy Chen, Executive Deputy Director of Institute for Global Health, Peking University, moderator of the event, made comments on Tims lecture. The event attracted more than 60 participants from DFID,USAID, JICA, IPRCC, China Agricultural UniversityPeking University and China Business Newsetc.    

  在主题演讲中,艾伦教授首先聚焦英国王子在马拉维患病等社会热点报道,将报告主题引入到被忽略的热带疾病(Neglected tropical diseases,下文简称NTD)在非洲的流行情况。其次,艾伦教授根据自己多年在东非乌干达、坦桑尼亚等过的实地研究情况,介绍了相关国家在NTD防治政策、健康教育、药品发放等方面的现状,并针对国际机构在非洲针对NTD防治采取的自上而下的中心化工作机制进行了批判性介绍。最后,艾伦教授认为:NTD的传播与流行对非洲人民的健康、劳动能力的减损在很大程度上影响了该地区减贫工作的进程。而与此同时,国际社会对NTD问题缺乏应有的关注、资金支持不足、工作方式收效甚微等问题长期存在,现有的仅仅关注饥饿、疟疾的流行等问题本身的做法不足以支持联合国千年目标(MDGs)的减贫任务的实现,在非洲对被忽略的热带疾病的关注同样重要,并有必要将这一问题纳入到后2015发展议程当中。

  In his lecture, Tim introduced how the neglected tropical diseases (NTD) raged Africa today and how the NTD prevention and control measures had been put in place, and criticized international organizations’ top-down approach. Tim talked about the damage of NTD prevalence to African people’s health and working abilities, and its negative impact on Africa’s poverty reduction process. He pointed out while the lack of sufficient attention, financial support and efficient measures has long been the problem, the current approach that only focuses on hunger and the communicable diseases itself has been far from appropriate moves that help realize the MDG’s poverty reduction goal. He emphasized the importance of attention to the NTD and the need to integrate it into post-2015 development agenda.


  Commentator Dr. Lucy Chen spoke highly of Prof. Tim Allen’s research findings and practical field work, and she further looked into China’s role in this specific area. In the following Q&A session, participants raised questions ranging from Africa health education, neo-liberalism’s impact on Africa’s medical system, Commercial pharmaceutical companies role in Africa’s NTD prevention and control and ethics of anthropology fieldwork, which were well responded by Tim Allen.

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