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CIDRN Policy Recommendations (1-7)

发布日期:2015-02-05 浏览次数: 信息来源:人发学院 字号:[ ]


Disclaimer Note: The views expressed in these recommendations are the responsibility of their respective authors as senior Chinese development researchers and do not represent the view of the CIDRN or any of its member institutions. The introduction to the CIDRN is available at: http://rcid.cau.edu.cn/art/2013/3/5/art_11130_157890.html


1.On China’s Participation in the “Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation”

2.Engaging China in the New International Development Aid System

3.Fighting Ebola and Strengthening China’s Humanitarian Assistance

4.China’s Propositions and Recommendations on the Post-2015 Agenda

5.The Role of China’s NGOs in Foreign Aid and International Development

6.Recommendations on How to Improve China’s Foreign Aid 

7. Rising China, Foreign Aid and the World

    —Commentary on White Paper of China's Foreign Aid (2014)





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