>> 中心介绍 >> 目标宗旨


发布日期:2012-12-09 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]







The RCID’s mission is to generate and disseminate knowledge, as well as to inspire and inform policy makers of practices in international development from a Chinese perspective. The research center will be an open platform for scholars, policy makers and practitioners to share knowledge and information, and engage in au courant debates on international development. 

In particular, the RCID focuses on: 

  • Understanding China’s developmental transformation within the context of global development, gleaned through comprehensive comparative analyses;  
  • Compiling the experience and lessons acquired from other key players in international development, and introducing relevant information to China’s academic and administrative communities with the goal of fostering common understanding and making a joint effort to reduce global poverty and attain sustainable development;  
  • Studying China’s foreign aid policy and practices to foster a more informed understanding among members of the international development community, and helping the Chinese government to improve its international developmental policy;  
  • Taking part in China’s international development program in other developing countries to gain practical experience for research.
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