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发布日期:2012-12-09 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]

国际发展中的知识、政策与实践    中国农业大学国际发展研究中心

























Knowledge, Policy and Practice in International Development


Research Center for International Development at China Agricultural University




The Research Center for International Development (RCID) was built on the formative constructs cultivated through a long period of engagement in international development intervention in China and abroad by the Center for Integrated Agriculture Development (CIAD), and later the COHD.


CIAD at China Agricultural University (CAU), which laid the groundwork for the later formation of the College of Humanities and Development Studies (COHD) and the Research Center for International Development (RCID), was jointly establishedby the governments of China and Germany and brought to maturity through the technical support of the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Since its establishment, the CIAD has undergone a systematic transformation from a donor-supported and action-oriented institute for development intervention, to a leading institute focusing on a combination of research, education and practical execution as they apply to developmental studies. The curriculum for Developmental Studies designed by the COHD for use with Chinese and international students alike (from undergraduate to PhD-level education) is entirely unique in China. Furthermore, the wealth of research that the COHD has conducted on poverty and rural transformation—in particular as they relate to often overlooked members of the population, participation, gender, and critical development thinking, etc.—has gained a great deal of academic and administrative attention in China.


The original purpose of this long-term engagement was to strengthen the university’s academic capacity to understand China’s role in international developmental policy from a Chinese perspective. Based on the knowledge garnered thereof, the RCID was then established to further address three aspects of international development: the increasing demand to use China’s developmental experience to form a practical roadmap for other developing countries; the increasing demand for exchange and developmental cooperation between China and other developing countries; and most importantly, to explore how China’s cooperation in international development can be undertaken effectively. With these three focal points, the RCID was created by CAU to serve as one of its two key social science research centers that specialize in international developmental studies. 




The RCID’s mission is to generate and disseminate knowledge, as well as to inspire and inform policy makers of practices in international development from a Chinese perspective. The research center will be an open platform for scholars, policy makers and practitioners to share knowledge and information, and engage in au courant debates on international development.


In particular, the RCID focuses on:



  • Understanding China’s developmental transformation within the context of global development, gleaned through comprehensive comparative analyses;



  • Compiling the experience and lessons acquired from other key players in international development, and introducing relevant information to China’s academic and administrative communities with the goal of fostering common understanding and making a joint effort to reduce global poverty and attain sustainable development;



  • Studying China’s foreign aid policy and practices to foster a more informed understanding among members of the international development community, and helping the Chinese government to improve its international developmental policy;



  • Taking part in China’s international development program in other developing countries to gain practical experience for research.


Research Program


RCID conducts the following research within the context of changing political and economic structures around the globe:



  • China’s Transformation: International Implications


This research focuses on understanding the nature of China’s rapid transformation and the international implications thereof. Theoretically, the purpose of research in this field is primarily to garner a more thorough understanding of these topics through empirical studies and critical analyses that will to contribute to current debates on new developmental studies.



  • China’s Cooperation in International Development: Effectiveness and Connection to International Developmental Architecture


This research focuses on understanding China’s foreign aid, particularly its operations, management and impact. The research will also explore how China’s South-South Cooperation-based international development framework can be complementary to the North-South-based approach applied by the members of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC).



  • China’s Role in African Development


This research focuses on the role that China plays in African development from a developmental studies’ perspective. The research covers China’s foreign aid, state investment and private investment in Africa. In particular, research in this field will focus on fostering a more in-depth understanding of the nature of China’s role within the context of entangled capitalist expansion in Africa, as well as the impact of this role on African developmental processes.



  • Creating Innovative, Alternative Developmental Cooperation: Intervention and Education


While engaging in international development, the RCID continues to explore a role that is not limited to that of a “middleman” in international donation-related affairs, but that focuses on cooperating with partners in developing countries to test developmental practices based on mutual learning. This action-oriented research is undertaken jointly with local partners under the support of numerous official aid agencies in China, NGOs, and businesses. 


Organization and management


The RCID, which operates within the COHD structure, is one of two key social science research centers at China Agricultural University. It is overseen, staffed, and fully financed by the university.


An international advisory group composed of five international and five domestic experts supervises the center’s program and helps expand the center as an independent and sound research-based institute for international development.


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